Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Juma'ah in a hospital?

The Juma’ah Salat, or Friday prayer for Muslims is extremely important. A number of us were saddened that we were not going to be able pray with the Muslims as some of us had on past pilgrimages, but we understood that each culture had its norms and expectations. In the city we saw all of these grand masjids that the Muslims on our trip could choose from, and there was one beautiful one we had see from the palace of Salah-din where our guide said our group would pray Juma’ah. Somewhere in the works, our guide Yasser decided to make a change. Without giving people enough information to make choices, he dropped us off at the restaurant and to ensure that the Muslims would eat with us he chose a different prayer experience for the Muslims. Instead of seeing the inside of one of the beautiful Egyptian places of worship, he took them to a small cramped (and I heard kind of dirty) room in a hospital. How frustrating—I felt very disappointed on their behalf. The Muslims did not really complain as they returned, instead they rejoined us refreshed from prayer with the understanding that the whole world is a place of worship.

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